Canine Cancer Research

So I finally got around to doing one of my 2009 New Years Resolutions and set up a fundraising page at the National Canine Cancer Foundation ( with Bryce’s story.

Many people set up these “friends” pages in memory of dogs they have lost – since Bryce is all about living life to it’s fullest, I felt it more appropriate to set set one up now in his honor. Silently, my page is also dedicated to those other dogs I know who are fighting the fight or who have left us recently – there are far, far to many of them :( !

The NCCF is a non-profit 503c that funds grants for scientific research into improved treatments and diagnostics for various canine cancers. They fully funded several research grants in 2009 and will be funding more in 2010.

January marks one year of Bryce being on treatment for his Myeloma. As of his last bloodwork, his numbers were very good but appear to be hitting a plateau now. I don’t think his numbers are quite good enough to qualify as full remission, but his globulins are down to well below where they were when we started and just a skooch above normal range, which I think makes it a good “partial response”.This is the point where I hold my breath and hope they stay there for a long time, dreading the day they turn and begin to climb again.

Every now and then I scan the news for the latest in multiple myeloma research - which is encouraging but frustrating at the same time. There have been SO many promising advances in the treatment of Multiple Myeloma in humans, but virtually NO mention anything new in veterinary medicine! No studies, no clinical trials – nothing. Nothing but the standard protocol, previously used for decades to treat humans … with mediocre results.

Probably the case for many other canine cancers as well. This is why we NEED to fund the kind of research that can lead to similar breakthroughs and more quality time with our beloved companions!

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