U-CDX Sally Amber Starlite, CD, AX, MXJ, NAP, OJP, O-EJC, EAC, EGC, EAC-V, EJC-V, EGC-V, NGC-V, PD1, JS-N, RV-N, CGC
9/15/1991 – 7/21/2006
Sally was my “Novice A Everything” dog. She was my heart dog, my soulmate and all those other names dog people have for The One that’s special beyond words. She absolutely adored agility. Call me weird, but sometimes I feel her running with us – usually in jumpers (her favorite class) at sites where she used to trial. Or perhaps it’s just the wind, who knows… whichever it is, she’s the angel on my shoulders. I will always love her and dearly miss her!
7/26/1988 – 1/18/2004
Tiffy was a quirky little little brown dog who made me fall in love with Shelties. She came to live with me when she was 3 years old. A tragic freak accident kept her from ever participating in performance activities, which was a shame, because she was energetic and smart as a whip. She would have loved agility!
March?/1993 – April 7, 2009
Jasmine was just the sweetest cat – loved to snuggle, loved the dogs, she was gentle and fun-loving.
1976 – 1996
I discovered Dusty at the animal shelter when I was working there. He was a big, beautiful cat with a personality to match. Playful, super-sociable and affectionate, he was the most confident and outgoing cat I’ve ever had – even a trip to the vet was just one more wonderful, fun adventure for him! Had I known then what I know now I would definitely have trained him and tried to get him into photo shoots and film work – I think he would have been a natural!
Conservative estimates of his age put him at about 5 or 6 when I adopted him, which means he lived to be around 20 years old!
September 1980 – February 1994
Marlene was the first cat I had as an adult. She was smart and funny and we were inseperable. I lost her to cancer at far too young an age.
Hi Mary-Anne!
Wow! Cool Site, made extra cool by the graphic for the NCCF on your side bar! I was doing a search of agility clubs in New Jersey today so that I could contact them about our upcoming event, Bark and Bowl, in March. I found your site through the Skyline Agility club. I am looking for people who would like to start a team and participate in Bark and Bowl to raise money for the NCCF! I think you’d be able to make a great team! I’d also like to talk to you about who else I should contact to create some more teams. Please go to to find out more about the event than I can write here. You can also get there off the site. And if you have time to email me at, I would love to talk to you further about this!
SAra Nice